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The universe in Krishna’s mouth

This story teaches us that the entire universe is God, and nothing in the world can exist without God.

The universe in Krishna’s mouth


Krishna was a playful child. He always did funny things that amazed his friends and his mother, Yashoda.

One day, while playing with his friends and his brother Balaram in the garden, Krishna ate a little bit of soil. His friends saw him do it and told Balaram.

Balaram took Krishna to their mother and said, "Krishna ate soil."

Worried, Yashoda asked Krishna if it was true. Krishna shook his head, saying no.

Then Yashoda asked him to open his mouth. To her surprise, she saw the universe inside Krishna's mouth - the sun, moon, stars, planets, the Earth with its rivers, mountains, oceans, trees, and all living creatures.

This incident conveys that the entire universe is God, and nothing in the world can exist without God.

Krishna made Yashoda realize this truth. However, he wanted her to love him as her son rather than worship him as God. So, Krishna used his power to make Mother Yashoda forget this incident. She hugged Krishna and loved him like her son.

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Source: Bhagavatam

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Story type: Spiritual, Mythological

Age: 7+years; Class: 3+

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