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Best 10 Line Short Stories with Moral


10-line Short Stories with Moral

Looking for a fun way to teach kids important lessons?

Short stories with morals are perfect for young children! These bedtime stories for kids help them learn about kindness, honesty, and other important values in a way that's easy to understand.

myNachiketa happily presents 10-line short stories with morals for children, offering delightful stories for kids (ideal for the age 3-5 years) that entertain while teaching valuable life lessons in a fun and engaging way!

1. Goli’s Choice

10-line Short Stories with Moral - Squirrel, fox and owl

Once upon a time, a young squirrel named Goli loved hanging out with his friend Cheeni the owl, in the forest. They played games, shared stories, and had lots of fun. Goli also knew a fox named Chatur. Chatur was always picking on other animals, calling them names and making fun of them.

One day, Chatur started teasing Cheeni, calling him a "mad owl" and saying mean things about all owls. Goli knew Chatur wasn’t being kind, but he didn’t want to lose his friendship with him. Later on, Goli went to visit Cheeni at his nest. But he was upset and told Goli, “Now everyone thinks I’m not good because of what Chatur said.”

Goli realized that he didn’t want to be friends with someone who hurt others and decided to end his friendship with Chatur. He promised Cheeni that from then on, he would always choose friends who treated others kindly.

Moral: We must choose our friends wisely who make us better.


2. Vrinda and the Secret of Joy 

10-line Short Stories with Moral  2

Vrinda lived in a village with her parents. One day, her cousins from the city visited. They wore fancy clothes, shoes, and watches. That night, Vrinda thought about what her cousins had and felt sad because she didn’t have those things.

Her mother noticed and asked, “What’s on your mind, Vrinda?”

Vrinda cried and said, “I want these things too.”

Her mother smiled and said, “It’s okay to admire things, but happiness comes from being thankful for what we have.”

Vrinda listened carefully as her mother continued, “When we’re happy with what we have, we can enjoy it more. It’s not about what others have, but about making good choices with what we have.”

Vrinda understood and promised to be happy with what she had.

Moral: We must keep our desires under control and make decisions calmly.


 3. Kunal's Gift of Sharing

10-line Short Stories with Moral 3

Kunal, an eight-year-old boy, had a special penguin soft toy named Penny. Every night, he told Penny fun stories and went to sleep with it. On Kunal’s birthday, his cousin Aman came to visit. After playing, it was time for Aman to go home.

Kunal asked, “What would you like as a return gift?”

Aman man didn't say anything at first, but then he said, “I like your penguin, Penny. Can I have it?”

Kunal hugged Penny and thought for a moment. Then, he remembered his grandmother's words: “There’s joy in sharing with others!”

With a happy smile, Kunal gave Penny to Aman, making both of them feel special.

Moral: Sharing is caring, and it brings happiness to everyone.


 4. God is One

10-line Short Stories with Moral 4

Shubham and Jeet were best friends who lived in a small village. One day, they decided to meet at the temple in the afternoon. Shubham stood patiently at the mandir, while Jeet kept waiting at the Gurudwara. Disheartened, when the two of them were going back home their paths crossed, and they both exclaimed together," Where have you been?" 

Shubham revealed," I was at the temple. And you?" 

Jeet responded, "I was waiting for you at the Gurudwara." 

Shubham said," But the temple is where God resides; I cannot go to the Gurudwara." 

Jeet angrily said, "My God is in the Gurudwara. If you refuse to come there, then we can no longer be friends." 

A few days later, Shubham heard a sage say,“ एकं सत् विप्राः बहुधा वदन्ति - God is one and all call it by different names like Krishna, Rama, Ganesha, Guru Nanak, Allah and many more.” 

With a heavy heart and lots of regret, Shubham went to Jeet's place. He asked for forgiveness and hugged Jeet in a heartfelt embrace.

Moral: God is One, only we call him by different names and go to different places for worship.


 5. Simba's Courage

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Once upon a time, there was a young lion, Simba, who was afraid of the dark. Every night, he stayed in his cave, too scared to leave.

One evening, a big storm came, leaving the animals in urgent need of shelter. Even though Simba was scared, he knew he had to help.

Gathering his inner strength, he came out from his cave and walked through the jungle. Simba found a safe place for the animals to stay.

After this, Simba felt proud and realized that being brave doesn't mean not feeling scared. It means facing your fear and helping others. From that day, Simba wasn’t afraid of the dark anymore. He learned that courage comes from helping others, even when we feel scared.

Moral: Facing our fears with courage helps us overcome our life’s difficulties. 

10-line Short Stories with Moral 6
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