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5 Line Short Stories for Kids - Based on the Bhagavad Gita


5 Lines Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1

Looking for a fun way to make your kids read and learn important life lessons?

Kids enjoy 5-line short stories because they are simple, engaging, and fun. These stories often have colorful characters, playful adventures, and easy-to-understand language. 5 Line Short Stories hold the kids’ attention while inspiring a love for reading.

They build curiosity and imagination. Each story delivers an important lesson for young readers, bringing smiles to their faces.

Let us dig into storytelling and learning with 5-line short stories for kids with myNachiketa.

1. The Little Ant's Big Lesson

5 Lines Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1 - The little Antls big lesson

Once, a little ant was building its home. Its friend, the butterfly, teased, "What if the rain washes it away?" The ant smiled and said, "I’ll keep working hard and not worry about the result." Day by day, it carried tiny grains. Soon, its home was strong and safe. The butterfly realized, "We should focus on hard work, not the results!"

Moral: One should focus selflessly on the work only, not its rewards.

कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |

मा कर्म फलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्व कर्मणि ||

Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana,

Ma karma phalahetur bhurma te sangostva karmani.


Your right is only to perform your duties (actions) and never be attached to the results of your actions.


2. The Kind Squirrel 

5 Lines Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1 - The kind squirrel

One day, a squirrel found a big pile of nuts. A hungry bird nearby said, "I haven't eaten all day." The squirrel gave the bird some nuts and said, "I have enough to share." Later, when the squirrel was tired, the bird brought it berries. They both learned that kindness makes everyone happy!

Moral: One should be kind-hearted and friendly towards others.

अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुणः च।

निर्ममः निरहङ्कारः समः सुखदुःखयोः क्षमी

Adveshta sarva bhutanam maitrah karuna eva cha,

Nirmamo nirahankarah sama duhkha sukhah kshami.


A true devotee loves all, is kind and humble, is free from pride and attachment, stays calm in joy and sorrow, and is patient and forgiving.


 3. The Kind Deer

5 Lines Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1 - The kind deer

A thirsty rabbit was searching for water but couldn't find any. A kind deer led the rabbit to a stream and said, "Drink as much as you need!" The rabbit asked, "How can I thank you?" The deer smiled and said, "I helped because it felt right, not for a reward." The rabbit promised to help others, too, just like the deer, without looking for a reward.

Moral: Helping others without any expectation is the correct way of living.

यो न हृष्यति न द्वेष्टि न शोचति न काङ्क्षति।

शुभाशुभपरित्यागी भक्तिमान्यः स मे प्रियः॥

Yo na hrishyati na dveshti na shochati na kankshati,

Shubhashubha parityagi bhaktiman yah sa me priyah.


Bhagwan Krishna says a true devotee stays steady in joy and sorrow, is free from attachment to success or failure, and is dear to Him.


 4. The Happy Turtle

5 Lines Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1 - the happy turtle

Once, a turtle lived in a small pond. A fish said, "Don’t you want a bigger pond?" The turtle smiled and said, "I have clean water, tasty plants, and warm sunshine here. What more do I need?" The fish thought for a while and realized the turtle was right. Happiness comes from loving what you have and not wanting more and more!

Moral: One should be content with what one has.

सन्तुष्ट: सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढनिश्चय: । 

मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्त: स मे प्रिय: ।।

Santushtah Satatam Yogi Yatatma Dridhanischayah,

Mayyarpita Mano Buddhir Yo Madbhaktah Sa Me Priyah.


A true devotee is content, disciplined, steady in devotion, and always connected to Bhagwan. Such a devotee is loved by Krishna.


 5. The Dog's Love

5 Lines Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1 - the dog's love

A little boy got hurt while playing and started crying. His dog ran to him, wagging its tail, and licked his face. The boy smiled and hugged the dog. The dog didn’t need words; its love was always there. The boy learned that true love means being there for someone, no matter what.

Moral: One should always have unconditional love towards others.

अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक्।

साधुरेव स मन्तव्यः सम्यग्व्यवसितो हि सः।।

Api Chet Suduracharo Bhajate Mam Ananya Bhak,

Sadhur Eva Sa Mantavyah Samyag Vyavasito Hi Sah.


Even if someone has made mistakes, they should be seen as good if they truly turn to God and want to change.

5 Line Short Stories for Kids- Vol 1 - 6
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