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Devi Kaalratri Mantras

devi Kaalratri  Mantras

Devi Kaalratri is depicted as a dark fearsome Goddess who is worshipped on the seventh day of the Navratri. She rides a donkey and carries a sword and a Vajra, with a posture that conveys fearlessness and strength. Devi Kaalratri is also a kind-hearted goddess who protects her devotees from harm and grants them courage and power.

myNachiketa presents 7 Devi Kaalratri mantras for children to chant in praise of the goddess. These powerful mantras can help kids feel the presence of the Goddess within themselves and be courageous and powerful like her.

Devi Kaalratri Mantra 1

1. Devi Kaalratri Mantra 

ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यै नमः

 Om Devi Kaalratryai Namah


This Devi Kaalratri mantra is specially chanted on the seventh day of Navaratri to honour Goddess Kaalratri. This mantra can be chanted to seek Maa Kaalratri's blessings for good health and protection. Devi Kaalratri removes fear and darkness from the mind. We should chant this mantra to overcome our fears and obstacles, hence achieving success.


Devi Kaalratri Mantra 2

2. Devi Kaalratri Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं दुर्गति नाशिन्यै महामायायै स्वाहा

Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Durgati Nashinyai Mahamayayai Swaha


This Devi Kaalratri mantra is a Salutations to the Goddess Durga (in the form of Kaalratri) who grants protection, prosperity, and liberation. She illuminates higher wisdom and provides prosperity and wealth. She represents spiritual growth and well-being.

The mantra helps in removing negative thoughts and bad dreams. This Devi Kaalratri mantra removes bad luck from life.

To get a deeper understanding on these quotes read our books.


Devi Kaalratri Mantra 3

3. Devi Kaalratri Mantra

ॐ फट् शस्त्रिणां साघये घटये ॐ

Om Phat Shastriun Saaghay Ghatay Om


Devi is a symbol of universal consciousness, one who has the power to eliminate negative energies, obstacles and harmful influences. She has the knowledge of all the scriptures, and I pray to her to destroy all my negative tendencies.

We pray to the divine mother to bless us with the power and courage to break through all illusions (maya) in our mind and destroy all inner enemies (phat). This Devi Kaalratri mantra is chanted to guide us towards the light, clear our minds, and invoke the Goddess's blessings for wisdom and inner transformation.

Devi Kaalratri Mantra 4

4. Devi Kaalratri Mantra

ॐ श्रीं क्लीं कालिकायै नमः

Om Shreem Kleem Kalikayai Namah


This Devi Kaalratri Mantra emphasizes the fearsome and protective aspects of Devi, depicting her as a powerful and frightening force against evil. This mantra invokes her fierce energy to destroy negativity and her nurturing aspect to bring forth abundance, clarity, and inner peace. Therefore chanting this Devi Kaalratri mantra gives us courage and power to fight our obstacles.

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Devi Kaalratri Mantra 5

5. Devi Kaalratri Mantra

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कालरात्रि रूपेण संस्थिता। 

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Kalaratri Rupena Samsthita

Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah



To the Goddess who abides in all beings as mother Kaalratri, we bow to her.

Chanting this Devi Kaalratri Mantra is a way to show devotion and admiration towards the Goddess. It is a way to offer deep respect and to seek her blessings in achieving wisdom and success in life.


Devi Kaalrati Mantra 6

6. Devi Kaalratri Mantra

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं श्री कालरात्रि सर्व वश्यं कुरु कुरु वीर्य देहि देहि गणैश्वर्यै नम:।

Om Ain Hreem Kleem Shri Kalratri Sarva Vashyam Kuru Kuru Virya Dehi Dehi Ganeshwaryai Namah


Devi Kaalratri, with her divine presence, knowledge, and wisdom, wields the power of transformation and controls everything with her love. I bow to you Goddess Ganeshwari and ask her for strength and Energy.

By reciting this Kaalratri mantra we seek blessings from the fierce goddess Kaalratri for strength and power and divine energies for spiritual and material benefits.

To get a deeper understanding on these quotes read our books.

Devi Kaalratri Mantra 7

7. Devi Kaalratri Mantra

ॐ जयन्ती मंगला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी।

दुर्गा क्षमा शिव धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तुते।।

Om Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini

Durga Kashma Shiv Dhatri Swaha Svadha Namostute


This Devi Kaalratri Mantra is a prayer to Devi Kaali, a form of Devi Durga, for strength and protection. We bow down to the Goddess who is invincible and an authority of power and protection. She is the one who forgives sins, is companion of Bhagwan Shiv and a supporter of the world.

By chanting this Devi Kaalratri mantra, the devotee offers respect and seeks the blessings of the goddess Durga (in the form of Kaalratri), recognizing her as the powerful protector and the forgiving mother.

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