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Jnana Yoga for Kids - Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita

Jnana Yoga for Kids - Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita

Jnana Yoga, the Path of Knowledge, is a part of the Bhagavad Gita that teaches us that true knowledge comes from understanding who we really are. It helps us realize that we are not just our bodies, but eternal souls, one with God. This knowledge guides us to do our best without worrying about success or failure. It shows us how to stay calm, control our desires, and see everyone as part of God.

By learning from wise teachers and practising kindness and truth, we become peaceful and happy. Jnana Yoga helps us stay on the right path and brings us closer to God. By following these teachings of Jnana Yoga, children can develop wisdom, kindness, and self-control. This path leads them to peace, and happiness, and ultimately helps us connect with God.

न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते |

तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्ध: कालेनात्मनि विन्दति || 38||

na hi jnanena sadrisham pavitramiha vidyate

tatsvayam yogasansiddhah kalenatmani vindati

This shloka explains that there is nothing as pure and sacred as true knowledge. A person who becomes perfect through self-knowledge gains this knowledge within their heart over time.

myNachiketa teaches Jnana Yoga to kids through these simple teachings that help them understand the importance of wisdom, kindness, and self-control. This path leads them to peace, happiness, and ultimately to knowing their true nature.

1. Knowledge gained through constant practice purifies the mind and makes us wise.

Just as water cleanses dirt, the right knowledge cleanses the mind. We should read good books and constantly learn from our teachers, parents and friends, this will make our minds sharper and hence help us in making the right decisions in life.

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2. Real knowledge helps us see that everyone is connected and a part of God.

Riya saw a poor boy on the street and offered him her lunch. Her mother said, “When you help others, you show love for God because everyone is a part of Him.” Riya felt happy and closer to God.

We should gain true wisdom to see everything as a part of God and treat everyone with kindness and compassion.

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3. True knowledge from a Guru helps us see the world clearly and stay away from confusion.

When Sia’s friends lied to get out of trouble, she felt tempted to do the same. But she remembered her teacher's words that one should always speak the truth. She chose honesty and felt peaceful because she was no longer confused and did what was right.

We should listen to our teachers and apply their teachings to make our lives more meaningful and valuable.

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4. A wise person stays calm and happy, not disturbed by worldly desires.

Ravi’s friends bought new gadgets and toys, but he didn’t feel jealous or left out. He enjoyed reading books and spending time with his family. Ravi knew how to be happy in every situation and not let anything disturb the peace of his mind.

Just like Ravi, we should all be happy with what we have instead of always wanting more.

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Perform good deeds

5. To gain real knowledge, approach a wise teacher with humility and respect.

Neha wanted to learn how to paint beautifully like her art teacher. She went to her teacher after class, greeted her respectfully, and asked, “Ma’am, can you teach me how to improve my painting?” Impressed by Neha’s politeness and sincerity her teacher gave her useful tips. Neha practised daily and soon became very good at painting.

When we treat our teachers with love and respect, they wholeheartedly share their wisdom with us.

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6. When we stay good and wise, we feel connected with god.

A lamp that gives light until its last flicker, a person who lives with kindness and wisdom continues to inspire others, his entire life. We should also be like this lamp and spread the light of wisdom and kindness to the people around us. We should help others learn, grow and be better.

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7. When we truly understand our thoughts and emotions, we stay strong and wise.

Priya was nervous before her dance performance. She felt her heart pounding but told herself, “I have practised well. I just need to do my best.” By staying calm and positive, Priya performed beautifully.

We should not let our emotions dictate our actions; instead, we should take charge of them and act wisely.

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8. Practice self-inquiry and discipline to attain knowledge.

Maya wanted to do well in her exams. She asked herself, “What subjects do I need to focus on? How can I plan my study time better?” Maya followed her plan and studied regularly without distractions. Her discipline and focus helped her score excellent marks in her exams.

We should understand our problems and solve them with patience and effort. This helps us find solutions and learn new things as we go.

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Conclusion Jnana Yoga teaches us that when we let go of desires, perform our duties with dedication, and stay content in all situations, we experience true joy and peace. Children who practice these values become strong, wise, and kind-hearted. Just as the sun dispels darkness, divine knowledge removes all doubts and lights the path toward eternal happiness and liberation.

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