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Stories for class 2


Updated: May 2, 2024

Stories for Class 2

Here are the best short stories in English for class 2. Get ready for adventures, funny moments, and important lessons. Join us as we explore new worlds and have loads of fun together.


Elephant parable

elephant parable

Once upon a time, an elephant entered the village of Andhakapur, where all the villagers were blind. As the elephant moved through the village, the villagers reached out to touch it and each perceived it as something different - a wall, a pillar, a rope, and even a pipe. Let's find out what else the villagers imagined the elephant as and if anyone could recognize it.


Story of sugar and water

story of sugar and water

Shalu used to go to the temple with her mother every day. One day, she saw a message on the temple wall: 'God is in every particle’, a teaching of Chhandogya Upanishad. She wondered how that could be possible. Just then, her friend Nachiketa came and showed her a fascinating magic trick. Was the answer to Shalu's question hidden in the magic?


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how did lord hanuman cross the sea

When Hanumanji and his friends set out to find Sita Mata, they encountered a vast ocean blocking their path. Crossing it seemed impossible. Jamvantji reminded Hanumanji of his forgotten powers. Let's relive this story from Ramayana to see the miracles Hanumanji showed with his powers.


Krishna and the fruit seller

krishna and the fruit seller

Little Krishna loved sweet fruits very much. One day, a fruit seller, named Sukhiya came to Gokul. She asked Krishna for some wheat grains in exchange for sweet fruits. Did Krishna bring the grains? Did he get the fruits? Let's see what happened next in this lovely tale from Bhagwat Puran and imbibe the message of Bhagwad Gita.

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Why unaware of our identity?

why unaware of our identity

One day, a lioness left her little cub in the den to go hunting for food. When she took longer than expected to return, the cub came out of the den to look for her. She got lost and reached a herd of sheep. She started to think of herself as a sheep. What happened next? Did she find her mother? Did she realize she was not a sheep but a lion? Let's find out.



God is happy with very little

god is happy with very little

During the Pandavas' exile in the forest, a sage named Durvasa came to their home for a meal. However, there was no food left. Let's see how Lord Krishna helped them out of this problem, in this story from the Mahabharata.

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Joy of sharing

joy of sharing

There was a little rabbit named Cheeku who was sad because all his carrots got spoiled. His friend Mini Mouse took him to the carrot fields, which made Cheeku happy. As Cheeku was happily carrying the carrots home, he heard a mango tree screaming in pain. What happens next? Let's see the story.


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