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Stories for class 5

Stories for class 5

Childhood memories are incomplete without exciting magical stories. We bring you some of the best short stories in English for class 5. Each story is unique, from being captivating to insightful, delivering messages from the Gita and Upanishads. Let's enjoy these stories and learn valuable lessons from them.


How did lord Hanuman cross the sea?

How did lord Hanuman cross the sea?

When Hanumanji and his friends set out to find Sita Mata, they encountered a vast ocean blocking their path. Crossing it seemed impossible. Jamvantji reminded Hanumanji of his forgotten powers. Let's relive this story from Ramayana to see the miracles Hanumanji showed with his powers.


Monu’s Birthday

Monu’s Birthday

On his ninth birthday, Monu went to the temple with his father. On the way, he saw a man worshipping a cow, a woman worshipping a peepal tree, and a priest offering water to the sun. On their way back from the temple, he asked his father, "Dad, why do we worship animals, trees, the sun, and the moon?" Together, Monu and his father tried to find the answer to this question. Let's see if they found the answer.

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Rohan and Nachiketa went on a ride

Rohan and Nachiketa went on a ride

Let's go for an adventurous bike ride with Rohan and Nachiketa to discover the infinite in the world. Have a thoughtful talk to flowers, sand, and stars, and explore the infiniteness of God.


A tale of two birds

A tale of two birds

Ravi went on a picnic with his friends. He wanted pasta for lunch, but his mother gave him roti and curry instead. Ravi sat sadly while his friends enjoyed their lunch. Then he saw two birds. One bird was eagerly eating fruit, while the other bird seemed content without eating any fruit. Ravi asked the bird how it could be happy without eating any fruit. Let's read this inspiring story based on the teachings of Chhandogya Upanishad to know the bird's answer which made Ravi happy again.


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The ghost on the tree

The ghost on the tree

During his school summer vacation, Kumar visited his grandparents' village. His village friends told him the story of a ghost living on a jamun tree there. Kumar was very intelligent and didn't believe in hearsay. He decided to climb the tree to meet the ghost himself. To find out how Kumar's encounter with the ghost went, read the entire story.


What did God look like?

what did god look like?

Chintu went to Haridwar with his mom and dad, where they saw many beautiful temples and the flowing Ganga river. He thought, 'How does God look?' How did Chintu's mom explain the answer to his question using Ganga water? Let's join them on this exciting journey and solve the puzzle of God's form and appearance also learn a beautiful shlok from Ramcharitmanas explaining the true identity of God.

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Story of Nachiketa

Story of Nachiketa

This is the story from Kathopanishad of a five-year-old boy named Nachiketa who obeyed his father and went to Yama, the god of death. Impressed by Nachiketa's determination, Yama granted him three wishes. For his third wish, Nachiketa asked Yama about the secret of life. If you want to know Yama's answer to Nachiketa's question, read this inspiring story filled with Nachiketa's courage.

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  2. Stories for class 5



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