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Stories from Mahabharata

Stories from Mahabharata

Let us read a few best stories of Mahabharata and get ready for adventures and important lessons from them. It is more than just a tale of kings and battles—it is a journey into the difficulties of human emotions, and morality. These stories aren't just about the past; they offer lessons that guide us even today—about courage, compassion, and integrity.


God is Happy With Very Little

God is Happy With very Little

Read this beautiful story from Mahabharata that teaches us, that Bhagwan is Happy even with a small offering. See how Draupadi was able to feed Rishi Durvasa even when there was nothing with her to offer him.

Sage Durvasa, said to Yudhishthira, the elder brother of the Pandavas, "First, we will bathe in the river, and then we shall have our meal." Yudhishthira told this to his wife, Draupadi. Worried, Draupadi said...


Arjuna's dilemma

Arjuna's dilemma

This great story from Mahabharata is the very reason the Bhagavad Gita came into existence. It was when the great war between Pandavas and Kauravas was about to begin, that Arjuna became very weak to fight his cousins.

This story is from Mahabharata about two brothers named Pandu and Dhritarashtra. Dhritarashtra was older than Pandu, but he was born blind, so Pandu became...


Story of Eklavya

Story of Eklavya

This amazing Mahabharata story is about devotion and respect towards our teachers. It revolves around a young archer Eklavya who is known for his archery and his love and respect towards his Guru Dronacharya.

Years ago, in the Mahabharata period, the Kauravas and Pandavas were studying in the gurukul of the exceptionally capable guru, Dronacharya. One fine day, a boy happened to come from nowhere and...


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