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5 Best Stories from Upanishads

5 best stories from Upanishads

Read these mind-illuminating stories from the Vedas and Upanishads! These stories impart the knowledge of God and self in an interesting and engaging way. These are 5 best stories for children that teach us the way of living, to be humble and respectful to others. If we adopt these learnings in our lives, we can be better versions of ourselves.

myNachiketa takes you on a fun and enlightening journey into these timeless 5 best stories from Upanishads!


   Story of Svetaketu

Story of Svetaketu

This story teaches us that God exists in every aspect of the world, and though we may not see Him, we can feel His presence in everything. As the Chandogya Upanishad says, "Tat Tvam Asi" - You are a form of God.

Once upon a time, there was a great sage named Uddalaka. He had a 12-year-old son named Svetaketu. Svetaketu spent most of his time playing and having fun with his friends. His father was worried about his education, so he sent Svetaketu to.....


Story of Satyakam

Story of Satyakam

This story from Chandogya Upanishad teaches us that everything in this world – the earth, sky, sun, moon, fire, air, water, all living beings, and even every part of our body and mind – is a part of God.

The story of a ten-year-old boy named Satyakam is found in the Chandogya Upanishad. Satyakam one day arrived at the ashram of Sage Gautama, he wanted to become his disciple.

The sage asked him, "What is your father's name? What is your gotra?"

The boy replied...





This story from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad teaches us from Gargi's life, that we should be humble and not be arrogant about our knowledge. We should respect those who are wiser than us.

Gargi, the daughter of Rishi Vachaknu, had a keen interest in the knowledge of the Vedas and Upanishads from a young age.

She attained knowledge of all four Vedas at a young age. She was very intelligent. As she grew older......


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Story of Nachiketa

Story of Nachiketa

This story of Nachiketa which is found in an ancient Hindu scripture called the Katha Upanishad, teaches that we should never be afraid to ask questions. We should ask questions and look for their answers fearlessly.

Once, Nachiketa's father, Rishi Vajashrava, was performing a yajna (a ritual sacrifice). In this yajna, he was supposed to donate his most valuable assets to the Brahmins.

However, he was giving away old and weak cows, that were neither productive nor nor capable of providing milk. These cows were of no use to the Brahmins.

Seeing this, Nachiketa became upset and went to his father and asked...


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This story is from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. In this story, we learn that nothing is greater than knowledge because only through true knowledge we can attain God.

A long time ago, there was a great and knowledgeable sage named Yajnavalkya. He had a very skilled and wise wife, Maitreyi.

One day, Sage Yajnavalkya said to Maitreyi, "I will give you all my wealth and then go to the forest for meditation. There, I will spend the rest of my life. You can use this wealth to live happily."

Upon hearing this, Maitreyi asked her husband...

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Sep 26
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing Content for not just kids but for anyone who is curious and is willing to learn more about the ancient history and the beauty of Hinduism.


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