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Teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna


Updated: Dec 23, 2024

Teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna

Shri Krishna is one of the most worshipped Bhagwan in Hinduism, worshipped as the eighth avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu. His life and teachings are primarily narrated and recorded in the ancient text of the Mahabharata, especially in the Bhagavad Gita. Shri Krishna's teachings talk about the importance of dharma (righteousness) and selfless action. Krishna's life also represents the values of love, compassion, and humility.

myNachiketa presents some of the important teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna for children derived from the Bhagavad Gita.

Children, today let’s explore the teachings of Shri Krishna and discover how we can apply his wisdom in our daily lives to find true happiness and inner peace.

1. Selfless Karma without attachment

According to the teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna, we should perform our duties and actions without attachment to the results or outcomes. This means doing the right action with dedication and sincerity without worrying about gains and rewards.

Like, when you study and take exams, do not think of the result, just focus on your studies. Similarly, when you audition for a competition or program, do not think of its result, just focus on your audition and give your best.

Teachings of Shri Krishna 1

2. Do your duty (Dharma)

Dharma refers to one's duty or righteous path in life. The teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna encourage us to fulfil our dharma or duty to the best of our abilities. This may involve performing our responsibilities in family, society, or work.

Shri Krishna teaches all of us to perform our duties and responsibilities in every role that we play, as a student, as a friend, as a child, as a parent, in every area without looking for personal pleasure and gain. Like, as a student your duty is to study, as a team player, your duty is to play for the team, as a child, your duty is to help parents in their work.

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3. Intention behind an action is important

Service to others is one of the most important teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna. It encourages us to help and serve others without expecting anything in return. Shri Krishna says that actions performed with good intentions, such as helping others with positive intent and not for personal gains are considered more valuable and a service to God.

Like, when you help your friend, what is your intention behind it? Do you want some reward in return or are you helping out of compassion and good nature? So, this intention is very important because if you help someone for a reward, then it has no value in Shri Krishna’s eyes.

Teachings of Shri Krishna 2

4. Compassion and Selflessness

As per the teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna when our actions are influenced by the above three teachings, i.e. Selfless karma, doing your duty and with the right intent, we develop compassion and humility. We become better individuals who seek happiness not just for ourselves, but for others as well. We develop empathy and concern for other beings, thus making us better people.

Dear Children, when you see an old person carrying heavy groceries, helping him or her out of compassion, helping a small child cross the road out of concern, helping your teacher with the heavy books and your mother in the kitchen out of care, taking care of the animals and plants around you. All these acts of kindness, make you a better person and dear to God.

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5. Surrender to the God

Shri Krishna encourages surrendering one's ego and desires to God by showing total faith in him. While surrendering to the Bhagwan, we can engage in various practices to express our love and devotion. These practices may include chanting the names of the Bhagwan (doing kirtans), singing devotional songs (bhajans), reading and studying scriptures related to God, doing meditation, and performing acts of service (seva) dedicated to God.

So children, when you do Pooja, sing bhajans, help others (maybe your friends and family), all these are ways to show love to Bhagwan.

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 6. Foster love and devotion to God

According to the teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna, one should place great importance on genuine love and devotion to God. By being completely devoted to God we deepen our relationship with him. Love and Devotion (Bhakti) are the powerful ways to reach God. By forming a stronger relationship with God we can express all our emotions, including love, sadness, anger and joy in front of him. All of our emotions are nothing but a reflection of our true love and devotion towards him.

Children, we often get annoyed with our parents or are saddened by their words. However, we fearlessly express our emotions in front of them because we know that our parents love and care about us. Similarly, when you attach yourself to Bhagwan Shri Krishna, you can express these feelings with him.

Teachings of Shri Krishna 4

7. Self-Realization: Know your true self

According to the teachings of Bhagwan Krishna, as recorded in the Bhagavad Gita, Self-realization is the understanding and recognition of one's true nature. To achieve self-realization, one must recognize the oneness of the self (Atman) with that of the higher consciousness, God (Paramatma). Krishna emphasizes that self-realization can be attained through various paths, including devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), and selfless action (karma).

Dear Children, how can you know yourself? How can you listen to your consciousness (atman)? What is self-realisation? Shri Krishna says you get answers to all these questions when you meditate on Bhagwan and do his bhakti. You can also get answers, when you follow the path of compassion, dharma, right intent and selfless action (the first 4 points) or when you gain the right wisdom and knowledge to be in the right direction in life and perform the right action.

Teachings of Shri Krishna 5

So Children, to lead a happy and joyful life, you should follow the teachings of Shri Krishna in your daily lives. Live by the teachings of Bhagwan Shri Krishna to be a better version of yourself. Follow them to be closer to Bhagwan and to lead a life of compassion and empathy.

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