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Who is Bhagwan Shiva - All about Bhagwan Shiv for Children


Updated: 1 day ago

Who is Bhagnwan Shiva|,shiv bhagwan photo

ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya

Dhimahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat


Shiv Bhagwan mantra means - we meditate upon the Supreme Being who embodies purity and truth, we regard Mahadeva, the Great God, the highest of all deities. May that Rudra (another name for Shiva) inspire and illuminate our intellect.

Bhagwan Shiva, also known as Mahadev (Devo ke Dev), is one of the most respected Gods in Hinduism. He is considered part of the Trimurti (Trinity) alongside Brahma (the creator) and Vishnu (the preserver). He is known as the destroyer or transformer, symbolizing the cyclical nature of creation, preservation, and destruction in the universe. Bhagwan Shiva is referred to as Anadi, the one who is timeless, and Anant, the one who is limitless and beyond boundaries. These qualities of Bhagwan Shiva establish him as the ultimate supreme power.

Shiva- The Name

It is derived from the Sanskrit root word "śiv", which means "auspicious,".

The name 'Shiva' is sometimes broken down into 'Shi' (life-giving universal energy) and 'Va' (dissolution or transformation), highlighting his cosmic role as both creator and transformer.

In the Advaita Vedanta, Shiva is also associated with the concept of Brahman, the ultimate, formless reality.

How does Shiva look like

Bhagwan Shiva is often shown in a meditative pose, with a serene and calm face. Bhagwan Shiva has unique features that distinguish him from other deities in Hinduism.

Qualities of Bhagwan Shiva

  1. The Third Eye Bhagwan Shiva is often depicted with a third eye on his forehead, known as the Eye of Wisdom. Shiva's third eye signifies the importance of knowledge and wisdom to see the ultimate truth within. The opening of Shiva's third eye symbolizes the end of ego, which is achieved through true knowledge. Bhagwan Shiva is called Trayambak- the one with three eyes.

  2. Serpent around neck Bhagwan Shiva is shown wearing a snake around his neck, representing control over fear and ego. This quality of Bhagwan Shiva lends him the name Nageshwar, the God of snakes.

  3. The Trident (Trishul) The Trident of Shiva shows him as the controller of the three aspects, creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe. Bhagwan Shiva is known as the Shulapani, the one who holds a Trishul.

Different names of Bhagwan Shiva with meanings and the story behind them.

1. Shambhu- The source of all joy, happiness and auspiciousness

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Shiva is called Shambhu because he always stays calm, peaceful, and happy, even when things are difficult. Shambhu means someone full of light and wisdom, always in control of himself, and never gets upset or angry. Because Bhagwan Shiva has all these amazing qualities, he is lovingly called Shambhu.

2. Maheshwara- The most supreme and superior of all Gods and universe.

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The name "Maheshwara" comes from two Sanskrit words "Maha" (Great or supreme) and "Ishwara" (Ruler, or controller). As Maheshwara, Shiv Ji is recognized as the ruler of all creation, preservation, and destruction. Bhagwan Shiva, as Maheshwara, is above the cycle of life, death, and birth (samsara), as there is no beginning and end to him.

3. Gangadhara- The One who carries the river Ganga in his hair

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The name Gangadhara comes from two Sanskrit words: Ganga: Which refers to the river Ganga, and Dhara: which means "holder" or "bearer".

According to Hindu scriptures, King Bhagiratha prayed to Goddess Ganga to descend from the heavens to purify his ancestors and the Earth. Ganga agreed, but her powerful drop threatened to flood and destroy the Earth. To protect the Earth from the force of Ganga’s fall, Bhagwan Shiva agreed to catch her in his matted hair. He controlled and softened her flow by letting her out gently, making her safe for the world.

By holding Ganga in his hair, Shiva represents the ability to control immense power and channel it for the benefit of all beings.

4. Someshwara- The One who wears a crescent moon

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The word "Soma" in Sanskrit refers to the moon. According to the Hindu religion, the moon god (Chandradev) was cursed by Daksha to lose his radiance. To save himself, Chandradev prayed to Bhagwan Shiva. Pleased with Chandra’s devotion, Shiva placed the moon on his head to protect him from completely fading away and to restore his light periodically. This is why the moon waxes and wanes, representing cycles of restoration.

The form of Bhagwan Shiva to which Chandradev prayed is called Someshwara Mahadev. This form of Shiva shows him as the controller of Nature's cycle. The famous Somnath Jyotirlinga represents Bhagwan Shiva.

5. Ardhnareshwara- The One with half half-feminine form

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The name comes from three Sanskrit words: Ardha (half), Nari (woman), and Ishwara (Bhagwan).

According to Hindu mythology, Bhagwan Shiva’s wife, Goddess Parvati, once wished to always remain close to him and be inseparable. To grant her wish, Shiva merged her with himself, creating the form of Ardhanarishwara—the one half of which represents Shiva and the other half represents Devi Parvati.

The Ardhanarishwara form of Bhagwan Shiv shows the balance between creation and destruction and the interconnectedness of male and female energies in the universe. This form is the union of Shiva (the ultimate truth) and Shakti (the power of nature) that maintains the balance and wholeness of the entire Universe.

Why should we pray to Bhagwan Shiva?

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Bhagwan Shiva, also known as Bhole Bhandaari, is one of the most kind and powerful gods in Hinduism. People pray to him because he protects us, helps us when we are in trouble and teaches us to stay calm and peaceful.

Bhagwan Shiva loves everyone equally and teaches us to live a simple life. Shiva himself lives on Mount Kailash, wears simple clothes, and meditates. This shows us that happiness doesn’t come from fancy things but from being content and peaceful.

Bhagwan Shiva is the symbol of kindness, wisdom, and power. He loves all his creations and showers his blessings on them. Bhagwan, Shiva teaches us that every end marks the beginning of something new, reminding us of life's eternal cycle of rebuilding and change.


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